Nicolas Pascal and Angelique Brathwaite established Blue Alliance in 2015 to explore the possibility of developing self-sustaining MPAs through securing innovative funding and building sustainable revenue models. Initially, part of our focus was on conducting an economic valuation of coral reefs and marine conservation to convince decision makers to invest more public money in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
While the rationale was compelling, it was clear that state resources alone would be unable to cover, in the short term, the budget requirements of each country’s growing MPA network. This realisation led to the development of our unique marine conservation model and, subsequently, to working closely with and on behalf of governments to create and nurture self-sustaining MPAs.
Our approach is based on a multi-disciplinary central management team working closely with on-the-ground MPA teams.
Performance-oriented management is assessed against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
The central management team focuses on conservation strategy execution and sustainable revenue development.
The on-the-ground teams engage with local stakeholders and communities.
Our global executive team supports local MPA management organisations through a comprehensive mix of expertise in effective co-management and sustainable finance. Our collective experience is listed below.
MPA operational management
Coral reef and fisheries science
Community enterprise and nature-based tourism
Creative marketing and digital solutions for visitors
Carbon certification projects
More than 90 rangers, community officers, and managers implement Marine Protected Area (MPA) management, science & conservation, compliance, sustainable revenue generation, and community development.
At Blue Alliance, we are committed to promoting gender equality and ensuring a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all individuals. Our gender policy serves as a guiding framework for our organisation’s operations and interactions with staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, and stakeholders.
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